Cross Border Cooperation

The project will result in an interaction between three partners, major key players in their respective field of skills and knowledge:

•“France Pêche Durable & Responsible” (FR): Defender of the economic and social interests of the fishing sector and promoter of  its  sustainable development.

“TransEnergy Foundation” (FL): Incubator of innovative technologies (Gand University-linked), specialized into hybrid energy systems and prospective architecture of port alternative fuels supply devices and services.

• Marine South East (UK), animator of a regional network of maritime industry suppliers and companies, specialized into cooperative innovative engineering, and skillful in sectorial communication.

The partnership is enforced by the technical support of the Public Fisheries Research Institutes network of the 2Seas:

IFREMER (FR), in the frame of an R&D program developing an innovative selective fish traps technique, competitive alternative to trawling, performing attractive results in matters of fuel economy and environmental & fisheries  impact reduces.

CEFAS (UK), in the frame of high expertise on innovative made of new generation composite fibers trawling nets, giving effective reduction of  vessel energy drag load.

ILVO (FL): in the frame of an advanced research program on electric impulse shrimp and flat fish capture’s technique, improving species selection and sea bed impact.

“Hybrid innovation” These key words, synonym of energetic efficiency for the fishing ships of the future, are pertinent to qualify the F2E partnership. Its mutual added value essentially results out of a cross-border convergence of a large spectrum of different specialties, unavailable at the single state level.